Home of Invoking The Light and The Ethereans Trilogy
All You Need to Know is The Light
To heal the world of darkness, we need to bring more Light into it. Dedicated to revealing the truth of our existence and beyond, author C. F. Reynolds offers visionary insights to awaken and empower humanity. To transform your life and community and our world for the better, all you need to know is The Light.
By Invoking The Light, we can make a measurable difference.
Events, Workshops, and Networking
Upcoming Events
We have no events scheduled at this time. However, you are welcome to use the contact form to express your interest and we will notify you of upcoming events and other news items as they become available. If you have a Facebook page, please like our page and you will receive notifications.
In the meantime, you are welcome to review the following information describing Invoking The Light workshops and networking.
In a revolutionary workshop, author C. F. Reynolds shares Light Insights designed to empower, accelerate and actualize your highest potential and Light Frequency, enabling you to achieve the highest vibration: the illuminated state of Full Awareness!

Holistic Living Expo, Ventura, California, November 2006
The workshop explores new Light Insights about dreams, the law of attraction, the blueprint of projected existence and many more revelations received by the author since publishing her limited first edition hardcover book in 2006.
A revolutionary work of Divine Inspiration, Invoking The Light reveals higher knowledge remaining hidden from humanity until now. When invoked, The Light uncovers and dissolves whatever is holding you back, clearing the way for achieving your highest potential. It takes only seconds to invoke The Light. Self-empowerment has never been so simple yet so powerful!
You may wonder how something so simple can be powerful.Yet simplicity resonates at the very heart of our soul. It's the modern world that complicates our lives with distractions and lower vibrations of thought, feeling, and experience, which can block us from reaching our highest potential.
What blocks our highest potential?
The circumstances of life are only symptoms of what really blocks us:
Fear of what may or may not happen;
Blocks persisting despite our best efforts, even blocks we may not know exist hidden in our subconscious and even our physical and ethereal bodies; and
Obstacles we cannot overcome no matter how hard we try.
Anyone can tell you how to manifest your goals, be a success, improve your health, attract your soul mate or attain self-actualization, but you will be unable to achieve results until you first dissolve the fear, block or obstacle driving you to seek help in the first place!
What Is The Solution?
Invoke The Light! Invoking The Light is a powerful tool. The Light clarifies, empowers and actualizes your positive intentions, as it activates and empowers your Divine Life Purpose. When invoked, The Light uncovers and dissolves the true instigator of all fears, blocks, and obstacles at their very source, instantly, freeing you to realise your cherished goals!
Please fill in the contact form or send an email to info@invokingthelight.com for more information or to express your interest in workshops.
Many of you who met the author at events and workshops have expressed your interest in creating networking support groups of Light Minds.
Group sessions offer insightful and powerful ways to help you make the most of your Journey of Light. They provide the opportunity to share your experiences and discover ways to tailor your invocations more specifically, if needed, as well as receive Light Insights on an individual level. Additionally, they offer the opportunity to experience powerful meditations designed to further activate and build your Light Frequency; especially important in achieving Ascension or any major spiritual transition.
Invoking The Light is a powerful tool. The Light clarifies and empowers our lives as it actualises our illumination. Never before have such transformational opportunities existed!
Please fill in the contact form or send an email to info@invokingthelight.com to express your interest in organising a group session.